Zoo Lovers Day at Miss Mary’s


Zoo Lovers Day

April 8th is Zoo Lovers Day. I used to love visiting the zoo as a child. And often visited it again and again when my children were younger. One of my favorite places to visit while I was there was the monkey house or pavilion. Here we would laugh at the antics of all the different species. My favorites were the spider monkeys as well as the chimpanzees. They were even named. My favorite one was named George, perhaps after that lovable monkey in the book by H, A. Rey.. Curious George!

Zoo Lovers Day

These monkeys sure were curious! I loved to feed them fruit and often took them bananas that were slightly overripe. A elderly lady who lived up our street was known as the animal lady. She was from England, and quite eccentric. She had a menagerie in her home. Ducks, rabbits, chickens, roosters, and yes, even a pet monkey!

Man, oh how I loved that little thing. I used to head on over to her house after school to say hello to all of her animals. She would greet me at the back fence, glad for my company, I guess. She would ask me how my day went at school and I would cheerfully respond. I really, really liked Miss Mary. I thought that she was the coolest thing since sliced bread. As for the adults in the community, they sort of steered clear of her, I heard some say she was slightly batty but I never noticed at all.

I still remember her adult grandchildren coming over to see her every once in a while. Richie would often come out the back door and find her tending her English garden. I, of course, would be admiring the flowers and chatting away with her pet monkey, which she led out of the house on a very fine red leash. It wore a red collar that was fitted with what I thought then were red rubies. I would be busy feeding her pet rhesis monkey, and it would often stretch its hand out to shake mine.

A funny incident happened between the monkey and my older brother. It was something that I never will forget. My brother who was much older than me used to stop by the house to visit our parents, periodically. Well, one day he stopped by I decided to tell him about Miss Mary’s pet monkey!

Of course, older smarter and charming brother thought I was shooting crap. So I told him, If you don’t believe me, let’s head on over there with a banana. My brother and I headed out the back door with a banana in hand. Up we go to Miss Mary’s who was tending her garden. I introduced her to my older brother and asked if she could bring out her monkey. I never forget the look on my brothers face when out strolled Miss Mary with her pet monkey on a leash. Brother, full of confidence wandered  up to the fence. And gave the monkey a piece of banana. All was good for now.

After a few minutes, he decided that they were friends. He bent over to whisper something in my ear and then proceeded to place his back against the fence. He started to tap his shoulder thinking that the monkey would hop on it. Now that I am sitting here thinking about it, I am not sure, if the slapping of the hand on the shoulder reminded the monkey about misbehaving and the consequences… but in a split second it went berserk!!!

It stood up behind my brothers head and grabbed a hunk of his mane and started pulling with all its might! All the while screeching, howling in a very agitated voice. My brother looked pale in the face, and hair was all askew. I do not know if he was more worried because he thought the monkey may bite him or about the small clump of blond hair that slowly floated to the ground.

Miss Mary turned and looked once her pet started to screech. She walked up to the fence and spoke to the monkey in a harsh voice. He knew he was in deep trouble, and quickly climbed down off of the fence and scooted behind Miss Mary’s dress. My brother just stood there, mouth agape, and rubbing the tender spot on his scalp that was now missing a wee bit of hair. The monkey was taken back into the house for behaving bad.

This was a regular routine for me, for the next few years. Of course, brother never doubted me again but never asked to go back for a visit. After some time, Miss Mary started having trouble walking and remembering things. She was eventually put into a convalescent home or hospital. I never saw her again. However, I did see her family eventually as they were clearing out her home and getting rid of her animals. Richie, her adult grandson, met me at the back fence to tell me that Miss Mary had passed away.

I was heartbroken, but so glad that I knew this wonderful person and animal lover when I was a youngster. Many years have passed since then, and I still remember her, her animals, and the event that led to a slightly embarrassed, bald spot brother.

Do you visit your local zoo often? Which animal species is your favorite?


21 thoughts on “Zoo Lovers Day at Miss Mary’s

  1. Jessica Harlow

    We love going to the zoo and wildlife parks. I could literally just spend hours and hours with the animals. I think it’s wonderful that you had such a memorable experience growing up with Miss Mary. 🙂

  2. Rosey

    That’s wonderful that you and her became friends. I remember visiting around the neighborhood when I was a kid. How fun that she had a monkey (well, except for your brother’s incident with it). 😉

  3. Krystal

    A nice memory and story! We love our local zoo and the monkeys and the aquarium portion are the BEST part!

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