White Dove Releases for Weddings and Special Occasions


Are you looking for a unique way to add flair or that special touch to a celebratory event or memorial occasion in your life? White Flight Occasions offer white rock doves (homing pigeons) at affordable prices. Located in Toronto, Ontario and available April-Nov. These birds are raised from eggs, banded and specially trained to fly in distance flying and return home to the loft.

Birds can be brought to the occasion and left in a cage for display or released into the air. Occasions can include, but are not limited to; weddings, christenings, marriage proposals, birthdays, anniversaries, opening and closing ceremonies, festivals, memorials, and funerals.

Birds can be booked in pairs or pairs and a flock. Rates are dependent on location and the amount of birds needed. Serving the Toronto and surrounding areas. Those interested can email hote at gmail.com. Pictures are available to view. Check out; http://pidgeonman.webs.com/

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