What You Should Know If You Are
Expecting Twins or Multiples
If you got the surprising news from your doctor that you are having twins or multiples and you have no clue what to expect, don’t fret because you are not alone. While having twins or multiples is a huge blessing, it can also have larger risks than if you are pregnant with just one baby. Here are some things you should know if you are expecting twins or multiples.
If you are pregnant, there is a chance you will need additional folic acid. The reason for this is that additional folic acid will help in preventing birth defects. Folic acid has shown to lessen the risk of birth defects including spina bifida. Most doctors will recommend that you take one milligram of folic acid daily if you are pregnant with twins and 0.4 milligrams of folic acid if you are pregnant with multiples.
You may find yourself visiting the obstetrician more often than if you were pregnant with a single baby. This is because women that are pregnant with twins or multiples need to be monitored more closely than those with a single pregnancy. Those women who have a single pregnancy, usually only need just one anatomy scan and just one growth scan. However, those who are pregnant with more than one baby will need to have several anatomy scans and several growth scans.
You may also suffer morning sickness much worse than a woman with a single pregnancy. The reason for this is because those who are pregnant with a multiple birth have higher levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadoltropin. This hormone is known for causing morning sickness in women who are pregnant. While you may experience higher levels of nausea and vomiting, the good news is that all this should subside by the time you are about 12 to 14 weeks pregnant.