Let’s Reminiscence About What Was Your Favorite Child’s Toy?


Let’s Reminiscence About What Was Your Favorite Child’s Toy?

Sitting here, remembering those days, many moons ago, when I was a child a thinking about all the toys that were out during that era. Frizbee, Etch-A-Sketch, Clue, Ouija, Pick Up Stix, Slinky, Barbie, Rock-Em-Sock-Em Robots, Super Ball, Easy Bake Oven, Play Doh, Chatty Cathy, Pop Beads, Twister, Bowling Pins, Easy Curl, Operation and, of course, Hands Down are to name a few. There were many more toys introduced during this era, but these are the ones that I remember the most. In this blog post, let’s reminiscence about what was your favorite child’s toy.

As a child growing up when it came to toys, I was luckier than a lot of my friends. Not meaning to sound rude or anything like that, not at all. Unlike some of my friends who had siblings that were only a year or so apart, my toys, when I did get them, were brand new. When they got toys to play with, they were generally passed down from one sibling to the other. Not me, for the sibling that was closest to me in age was a whopping 13 years older. Basically, I was not an only child, but the age spread certainly made it seem that way. The sibling closest to me in age was hitting his twenties when I was just getting out of kindergarten. So there were no toys to pass down to me. LUCKY ME!!!

Back then, just like now, money did not come easy, being from a working class family. As much as we liked to believe money did not grow on trees, and neither does it now. With all the new advancement in technology, it would sure be nice to wish that scientists or whomever could make us all a money tree,. Nice to dream, isn’t it?

Well, seeing that money did not grow on trees, toys, back then were a treasured thing. They were not something you got ever week, toys were usually given at Easter, birthdays and Christmas.

One of my earliest memories, where toys are concerned is when I was around 4 or so, I woke up Christmas morning and scurried downstairs to see what gifts Santa bestowed upon me! Lo and behold, I had a gray table and chair set with a black and white panda decked out in a red bow that adorned the backs of the chairs as well as the four corners of the play table. Another thing that I got that year was a little washing machine, just like Momma had downstairs. It was for me to pretend to wash Barbies clothes. It could hold water and soap suds but the gyrator did not turn, of course! Thinking back to the days of my childhood, sometimes it becomes a little hard to answer what was my favorite child’s toy.

I guess though if I had to choose between them all, other than my Barbies, of course, my most favorite of favorite child’s toy of my childhood just has to be Chatty Cathy! In fact, I loved that doll so much that I still have her up to this very day. Mind you, she has aged over the years as well. She is now butt naked, but she still has her hair, teeth, and beautiful saucer like blue eyes. And her voice is not as strong as it was when she was brand new.

Oh, Such Lovely Memories

I remember the words so fondly, as she spoke when I pulled the cord. “Mama, let’s play house” or “Mama, I’m so tired” or “Mama, please brush my hair”.

Now as I pull the string, I hear a r-r-r-r-rrrrrrrrr sound, and a little garbled voice as the magic of her voice box churns from the pit of her stomach….rrrrrrr “Mama, please comb my hair”. The fond memories of my childhood makes me want to go upstairs and take her off the shelf and pull her string, so I can hear her beautiful, comforting voice softly say……………”Mama, please combe my hair”.

Hope you enjoyed the little trip with me down memory lane. Would love to have you tell me just what was your favorite child’s toy while growing up, and do you still have it?

10 thoughts on “Let’s Reminiscence About What Was Your Favorite Child’s Toy?

  1. Susan Bewley

    Well, most of the pictures of me as a toddler had me dragging around a Glow worm or the a rainbow bright doll. *sighs* I am showing my age as an 80s baby. LOL! Anyone else remember Teddy Ruxpin?

    1. maria @close to home

      too funny loved mine too and bought my kids one. they have used it half dozen times. Times are a changing!!

  2. Lindsey

    OMG I would sit on my sit n spin until I threw up. Why don’t they make those anymore ? I need one tout suite.

  3. Debi F.

    I remember how excited I was one Christmas morning when I got a Hardy Boys record player with microphone. That’s so funny to me now. Really…Hardy Boys! LOL

  4. Renee

    My favorite toy of all was my Barbie’s. My best friend and I would play with them for hours!!! My second favorite has to be my roller skates. Thanks for the memories.

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