Teenagers and Cutting- What Parents Need to Know


 Teenagers and Cutting- What Parents Need to Know

For many parents, cutting is a concept that is extremely confusing. Cutting is a form of self-injury or self-harm that has nothing really to do with a suicide attempt. Suicide is one of the first things that parents think of when they learn their teen is hurting themselves. However, this action is rarely an attempt at suicide. Here is what all parents need to know about teenagers and cutting.

Teenagers and Cutting-What Parents Need to Know

What is Cutting?

What=Cutting is a non-suicidal form of self-injury or self-harm. It is usually not a one-time thing and happens over and over again. Cutting is normally done with a sharp object such as a razor, broken glass, knife, sharp stone or needle. Common sites on the body for cutting usually include the arms, lower legs, ankles and wrists. Other sites can also include under the arms, inner thighs, abdomen, feet and genitals. Cutting will often leave marks so the cutter will often hide their behavior, usually with long sleeves, long pants, etc.

Who Engages in this Action

Who-Cutting is most often seen in females than in males and the ages range from teens to mid-twenties. Cutters are often very intelligent, well-educated and are from a middle or upper class family. Some cutters may have been physically or sexually abused as a child or they may have one parent that is an alcoholic or drug addict. However, it is important to note that any teenager can engage in self-injuring.

Reasons Teenagers Engage

Why – Some teenagers will engage in self-harm because the physical pain replaces any emotional pain they may be experiencing. It also provides them with a sense of control when they may be experiencing high levels of stress. If a teen has suffered physical or sexual abuse as a child, cutting may be done because they feel guilty for the abuse happening and they believe in some way it is their fault and they deserve to be punished. Cutters often do this act more than once because they crave the feeling once the endorphins are released from their body. Cutting may also be part of an underlying condition such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorder or substance abuse.

The Warning Signs

The Warning Signs– There are warning signs to look for if you think your teen is engaging in self-harm. Check for marks on the body including the arms, legs, feet and abdomen. Look for instruments used for cutting in their room, bathroom or backpacks such as razors and knives. Look for suspicious dressing behavior such as wearing long sleeves or long pants when the weather is warm especially or wearing thick wristbands or bracelets that are never removed. When doing laundry, look for blood stains on their clothes. Finally, watch their behavior for secret or elusive behavior and spending long periods of time alone.

What You Can Do

What You Can Do- If you find out your teenage is engaging in cutting, there are some steps you can take as a parent. The first thing is to learn all you can about cutting. This knowledge will help you give your teen the tools they need to help resolve their issues and get on the road to healing. As hard as it may be, you need to have a conversation with your teen and let them know you are aware of their cutting behavior. Let them know you love them and will support them every step of the way. Finally, get your teen professional help so they can deal with the issues at hand and get on the road to recovery.

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