Sprinkle Here, Sprinkle There


As most bloggers know their is a little magic and mystical powers out there in the blogging world and NO, I am not speaking about the magic of finally seeing your Google PR numbers go up or your Alexa numbers dropping! But, rather a visit from a fairy, and not just any fairy mind you, but the Fairy Hobmother himself!

Just who is this fairy! Well, he works at a regular day job over at Appliances Online which just happens to be the largest online appliance store in all the U.K. and at night he flies around the blogging world reading different blogs. When he is about to tiptoe of the land of Wynken, Blynken and Nod, he then chooses one or a couple of blogs each night and sprinkles some magic pixie dust on them in the form of an Amazon gift card!

And guess what! I receive a visit from the Fairy Hobmother last night! Whoot!!!!!!!!!!

I know I was very excited when I opened my email to see that he chose my blog on his nightly visit last night. The Amazon gift card will sure come in handy. I was actually thinking about some new appliances. Well, maybe some day!!!

Who knows, if you are a blogger, you too, might just get a visit! He likes to check comments on past blog visits so it would be a good idea to leave one below and also follow the FairyHobmother on Twitter. Send him a tweet @fairyhobmother and he might just sprinkle some fairy dust your way!

That is, of course, if you believe in him and let him know that you do!

*Disclaimer*- I received an Amazon gift card for participation.

5 thoughts on “Sprinkle Here, Sprinkle There

  1. Nickida

    That’s such a great idea to help bloggers get along. I will be sure to follow him around and also the blogs he sprinkles hopefully those blogs follow me back and help me with my traffic as a starting over blogger I need the visits.

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