Skillet Bacon Jam – A Review


I received a product the other day that I had never heard of before, Skillet Bacon Jam. To be totally honest, it has a taste that does take some time to get used to. This product came in a 13 ounce jar and is quite strong in taste. Here is some info on it as well as a picture.

what is skillet bacon jam?
we make this bacon spread condiment called bacon say what?.. that’s right, we use niman ranch bacon and render it down along with onions, balsamic and other spices . It cooks for several hours until it is a perfect blend of smoky, tangy, savory and slightly sweet….basically spreadable bacony goodness! USDA approved. ~skillet street food
More information is available at or contact

I found that this is a product that cannot be used by itself. It is very strong in flavor. However, it can be mixed with a little mayonnaise or place on fresh chicken before it is grilled or any other meat or fish for that matter. It is important that you marinate the meat or fish for a little while, approximately four hours before cooking the meat. This permits the seasonings to soak in.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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