Introducing You All to Beautiful Feet Global Outreach..


Beautiful Feet Global Outreach Inc. is a non-profit organization that is Christian based and is focused entirely on improving the lives of orphans all over the world. Melissa Irwin, it’s founder and an acquaintance of Kimberly Ricci’s, who owns Eraselets, thought about how about the need to create awareness for this wonderful organization. And what better way than to create awareness than to blog about it and so they approached me!

Now, Beautiful Feet Global Outreach Inc. came about after Melissa spent many years practicing her faith, and involving herself in many service projects and working with other non-profits, she decided to take a stand and do something on her own to help the orphaned children of the world. So, in 2008, she traveled to Africa and did some service work there. She has returned several times since then, and has managed to get enough support to get a truck, some Christian materials, a computer, and also did something over there for 4 orphanages. She knew that she had finally found her calling and thus, Beautiful Feet Global Outreach Inc. was born.

At the present time, they are busy designing an application that will enable them to award one family an adoption grant. The amount of the grant will be, of course, dependent on the amount in the adoption grant fund. This non-profit organization hopes to include more recipients of this special grant as the funds grow.

Another venture of Beautiful Feet Global Outreach Inc. in to promote and advocate for another non-profit called Reese’s Rainbow. This organization works with orphans that have Down’s Syndrome. There mission is to find adoptive families for children with special needs.

The staff/mission workers of Beautiful Feet Global Outreach Inc. often travel to Zimbabwe, Africa and work with 3 orphanages, providing food, medications, maintaining the buildings, as well as their education fees and school supplies.

Of course, while visiting the orphanages, they worship, study the scriptures and communicate all that has happened since they last were together. Beautiful Feet Global Outreach Inc is hoping to one day have enough funds is to implement a training center for older children so that they will be have the skills needed to survive in the world outside, once they have graduated school and are about to leave the orphanage.

They also hope to one day spread their wings to other parts of the world. However, that dream can only be accomplished through donor support.
I do hope that you will have a look at the Beautiful Feet Global Outreach Inc website and if you can help this non-profit organization in any way, PLEASE DO!

8 thoughts on “Introducing You All to Beautiful Feet Global Outreach..

    1. admin Post author

      Thank you for sharing. It will help to bring awareness to the organization, and hopefully more monetary donations for them.

  1. Julie

    I would love to adopt a child, but we’ve already tried and don’t qualify. Plus, I’m not Christian so usually these groups won’t work with people like me. I wish them the best of luck.

    1. admin Post author

      So sorry to hear that. As for BFGO working with you, I am sure that they will not work with you personally as they are focused on helping orphans that have been depraved of many things that we take for granted, such as food, shelter, education, water, medicine, and so forth. However, the plight of orphaned children should have no boundaries. I am sure that if you could or would be able to donate something towards them achieving a goal, I am sure that they will not put a religion to the dollar amount. Btw, I spoke to Melissa, and she has already filled the adoption grant for one family earlier this year and is focused on helping many more.

  2. Melissa Irwin

    Thanks so much for the blog post and the responses!!! We are so grateful for more exposure and awareness… as it is the only way to raise the monies needed to sustain these precious kiddos!

    1. admin Post author

      Your welcome Melissa. Hope that the awareness also brings you some more donations from both the private and corporate sector. And you get to channel that to help more orphans bond with a family.

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