Glitz and Glamor and a Wee Bit of Oil


Well, gone are the days that you spend perfecting your makeup for that just right look. Nowadays there are beauty products on the market that instantly add glitz and glamor to your eyes. Yes, you read that right! Eye tattoos…instant makeup that goes on in a couple of seconds and makes a striking, difference to your eyes. So striking and instant and stuck on….that you better know what your doing or plan to waste a couple of eye tattoos on just practicing.

Tried out one of the eye tattoos on one of my daughters and thought that the dark color blue and pinky purple would look great on her due to her dark hair and eyes..Well perhaps it would have looked great, if they were both even! At first, we did not apply enough water to the tattoo but once that was straightened out we were raring to go. We put the tat on one eye and did not say a word, and quickly went to work at applying the second one, once we knew how…the only thing is…the other one ended up being a little higher than the other AND it was so dark in color that it really looked like my daughter had a black eye. Heaven forbid!

Well the last applied eye tattoo came off rather quickly. The other one was, sorry to say, very firmly STUCK! !!! And sooooo……. we read the package on removal and it said mineral oil. We did not have any mineral oil in the house. I thought to try vegetable oil instead. We got out the paper towels and dabbed the eyelid, well, soaked it really.. And waited.

Then we slowly began peeling away the eye tattoo. It really was tiring trying to get it off. It took almost an hour before the last remaining flakes were finally gone. She ended up afterwards just putting on regular eyeshadow in order for the eye not to look as red.

Word to the wise is to make sure that you practice putting on the eye tattoo well ahead of the date that it is needed. They really do stick and will make a lasting impression. And make sure that you make a wise color choice.

Have you ever used eye tattoos and if so, how did you manage to get them off?

9 thoughts on “Glitz and Glamor and a Wee Bit of Oil

  1. MamaBreak

    I have heard of eye tattoos! Sounds like fun, but I do not know that my 9 year old would stand still long enough . . . I do not know if I would be able to either!

  2. Melinda Dunne

    I tried them 1 and they didn’t work out very well on me. I am a little to old apparently because they didn’t stick properly to my crepe eyes-my son told me I was to old to wear them anyway. I think the concept is great but I don’t know of a company that has perfected them yet.

  3. jenny at dapperhouse

    I have not used them, although I am a 41 year old mother from the Midwest burbs so I would be run out of town…I love how they look though and would definitely try them if I was younger…along with some mineral oil 🙂

  4. Angel Poling

    The eye temp tattoos sound interesting. Thanks for the heads up on to practice before applying. I’d try them, but I’m not really a make up person. It would be fun tho to play with them.

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