Favorite Snacks From the Past


Sitting here remembering some of the favorite snacks that were on the market when I was a child and wishing that they did not disappear at all. One of my favorite lunchtime or after school snack was a “magic” mix that was in powder form and you added it to a special plastic cup with a lid. Once it was added, you put in some milk, capped the lid and shook like crazy for two minutes or maybe it was less than that, I can’t remember.

And when the time ended, you took off that lid and dug in. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm… delicious pudding. It came in several flavors and bright packaging, for back in those days. It was called Shake-a-Puddin made by Royal and I remember the flavors being chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch and strawberry. Maybe there were more, I have forgotten, but man did it taste good!

See what I mean about the packaging!

And this product was not only sold in North America! It was sold in other parts of the world and was a favorite of many children back in the day. In fact, many parents loved it too! It also had quite a catchy jingle that everyone sang while shaking their cup.

Another favorite of mine was Cracker Jack. This scrumptious molasses coated popcorn was not only great but you always got an awesome toy in the box! I remember buying this as a kid for 10 or 15 cents and digging in the box for the treasure!

There were prizes in the box like baseball cards, little parachutes with people on the bottom that you through up in the air and watched them gently float to the ground or the poppers for lack of remembering the name. These were red rockets that had a spring and hammer mechanism near the top, you put in a strip of caps and through it up in the air and got excited when the rocket hit the ground with a thud. Boom, off went the cap.

Found some pictures of some of the items that were found inside the Cracker Jacks popcorn to share with you.

Find out more about Cracker Jacks here

Does any of my readers remember the items in this post! If you can remember other toys that were found inside a box of Cracker Jacks, please comment and let me know! Jog my memory.

Thanks for taking this trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoyed it.

5 thoughts on “Favorite Snacks From the Past

  1. Alaina Bullock

    Oh how neat!! I have forgotten about Shake a Puddn and Super Mini Balls! I still love Cracker Jacks though! Thanks for the fun memory!!

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