Chocolate Dipped Oreos for Halloween


On Halloween the streets are aglow with all sorts of pumpkins as trick or treaters rush about door to door. During All Hallow’s Eve you will see all sorts of costumes, including witches all dressed in black. Some people choose to attend a community Halloween function, or even host private get togethers. The next time you need a sweet for a Halloween party, try these chocolate dipped oreos. They are inexpensive to make and will delight people of all ages. They will be a welcomed treat for all of your family and guests as well.

Orange Chocolate Oreos

You’ll need:

1 bag melting chocolate (we used orange)

12 Oreos (off-brand are fine)



Melt the chocolate according to package instructions. I used the microwave – just put the chocolate in a microwave-safe dish, and zap in 20 second increments. Stir every time. Do not overcook! If you do, add a tablespoon of Crisco and stir vigorously until melted. That should fix it!

Chocolate Dipped Oreos

Line the molds with melted chocolate. Gently press the Oreo into the melted chocolate. Do not wait for the chocolate to harden – do it right away. Top the Oreos with a little more melted chocolate.

You can let these cool in the refrigerator or in the freezer, but putting them in the freezer makes them more fragile. Cooling in the refrigerator only takes about 10 minutes.

These are great to bring to holiday get togethers, and super simple to make!

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4 thoughts on “Chocolate Dipped Oreos for Halloween

    1. admin Post author

      This post actually contains a link to the mold. All you have to do is click the word molds and the product is there

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