Is there anything you are looking forward to this summer? Are you going away on a vacation to someplace exotic? Or are you jumping to go and see the latest big screen release? What movie are you just jumping to…
Do you like to watch scary movies that make you jump or do you avoid them at all costs? I do not mind watching scary movies as long as they have a good storyline behind them. Ones that are all…
Have you ever experienced something that caused you to jump out of your skin? Was it a scary movie, a sound in the middle of the night or perhaps a thrill ride at one of the many parks that have…
How do you cope when you are nervous? Is there something that you do? Many people might delve into a book, some tend to eat more….while others take deep breathes. Take a deep breathe and breathe………
Today’s topic is to describe a time when you felt nervous and jumpy. I guess it was when I was on a plane as I do not like heights. I felt really nervous and was really jumpy until the plane…
Which animals make you jumpy and nervous? Dogs that have loud, constant barks tend to make me nervous. Especially those that are untrained and disobedient. Animals that are not domesticated also tend to make me jumpy and nervous, like the…
There are two kinds of people – optimist and pessimist, the nayer’s and the yayer’s and the question is your proverbial glass half empty or half full? I tend to be a bit of a pessimist, however, I was not…