Bee Free Honee Giveaway


Katie Sanchez, the brain and brawn and inventor of Bee Free Honee (an organic replacement for natural honey) has offered up another bottle of her Bee Free Honee to one of my blog readers. This is a great product that is sold in some stores in the US and contains only apples, vegan cane sugar and lemon juice. Katie decided to move ahead with this product due to a couple of reasons. One being CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder in which scientists state that the bees in the US will be extinct in 2035 and the other was to be able to provide mothers with children under two years of age an edible product that was safe to eat without any fear of Botulism. Let’s help Katie to get her product into more households by entering this giveaway. Thanks again Katie! I hope to see Bee Free Honee not only sold nationwide, but worldwide as well.

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