Advowire-Share to Earn Campaign



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Advowire-Share to Earn

 Advowire-Share to Earn Campaign


Are you a blogger who is interested in connecting with brands for sponsored  post opportunities? If you answered yes, read further to find out more.

There is a campaign running right at this moment. It is called the Advowire-Share to Earn Campaign.  It is a social platform that offers Advocates (bloggers) the opportunity to earn compensation for writing about client campaigns. It is fairly simple to understand how it works. All you need to do is go to the Advowire page and sign up. Once approved, you will login to your dashboard. Once there, you will find current opportunities available for you to promote.

What makes this program great is that there is no set number of campaigns that you have to promote. Choose the ones that you are interested in, apply, and wait to hear whether or not you have been approved to work with that particular client.  You control where and when you want to share. You share, you get paid. How simple is that.

Incentive also include a level up system. The higher your level the higher the payout to you for sharing a campaign.  If you are looking to let companies and brands know about your social media skills and getting paid to do so, then Advowire is waiting to hear from you!

Full time, part time, contract, and even one-off campaigns are available for bloggers just like you. Leverage Your Influence!

To sign up to or find out more information about the Advowire-Share to Earn Campaign, visit their Advocate page.


You’re going to love AdvoWire just as much as we do. The social promotion platform offers Advocates one-click earning capabilities. Whenever you’re eligible for a client campaign, it will appear in your dashboard. Then, you decide what you want to share, click on the platform-specifc button where you want to share, and watch your account balance grow. Your influence has never been more valuable!

“If you have any questions for the AdvoWire/HireInfluence team, please reach out to them on Twitter @HireInfluence with the hashtag #ShareToEarn”

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