What’s in a Word- Today’s Word is Jump


I was asked what was the first thing that came to my mind with the word “jump” and to be perfectly honest, now that I am a little older the first thing that comes to my mind with the word jump is to “jump under the covers, get warm and go to sleep”. I guess that is a sign of age or poor blood circulation or something.

Oh, I remember a time when jump meant to jump off of a tire swing into the local river, jump into the car, jump the jumpsee rope, jump over the hurdle, jump on a pogo stick, jump into the pool, jump on the couch, jump in those colorful balls that you used to see at McDonald’s and my very best, by far, JUMP ON THE BED!!!!!!!!

Oh, the memories.. of jumping up and down on those old wired beds and sometimes we jumped so much that the coiled springs finally broke through! Back in those days there was no such things as box spring mattresses.

Guess I am going to jump under the covers, get warm and go to sleep. Oh, but wait, I forgot, I just got up! Guess I will play some Doodle Jump on my Samsung tablet. What’z up on your agenda today and what thing comes to your mind when you think of the word “jump”. I hope that it brings back fond memories to you or perhaps entices you to partake in a new adventure.

5 thoughts on “What’s in a Word- Today’s Word is Jump

  1. Rita @Momwithadotcom

    How fun! I like how you compared what jumping meant earlier in life versus now. You just got up!!?? It’s late 🙂

  2. JanetGoingCrazy

    With an active 4 year old, I am always wishing for “jump under the covers” but all I ever get is “jump on the bed”…ahh… 🙂

  3. Tara Funair

    It’s amazing how much our definitions change from youth to adult.
    I hope you get the opportunity again to jump for fun onto a tire swing (maybe this summer)

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