Tuberculosis Day


Tuberculosis Day

Tuberculosis Day is on March 24th. Believe it or not, Tuberculosis still exists this very day. Mind you, it is not as rampant as it was in the late 1800`s and the years before that. In 1881, Dr. Robert Koch announced that he had found out what caused TB as it became to be known as. With this scientific discovery, scientists were able to work on a vaccine for this deadly disease.

Tuberculosis Day

In the 19th century and prior to that, many people contracted the deadly disease. It killed one out of every seven people. Poor nutrition and overcrowding is thought to be the cause of this flourishing. In underdeveloped and developing countries, this still surfaces.

This was also known as consumption. There was no cure. You simply wasted away and then passed away. Tuberculosis is a deadly disease and personal. I remember my mom telling me a story about her grandfather having it when she was a little girl. Her mom and grandmother used to take her to see her grandfather in the Consumption Hospital as it was called back then.

She told me that they would get dressed and head out to see grandfather. They had set a specific time to go each and every time. Once they arrived on the hospital grounds, my great grandfather would step out onto the balcony and wave at them. This was as close as they could get.  People confined to the consumption hospital never got out, they just withered away from the disease.

On March 24, help to bring awareness of this deadly disease in your community. Tuberculosis still exists today!


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