The Pain of Dental Surgery


Well, one of my kids is recovering from the dental surgery that she had a couple of days ago. She ended up getting her wisdom teeth pulled because they were impacted and would have not grown in properly. She took the needles better than I expected and did not feel the pain of the procedure until the freezing wore off. She is still on meds and is finding it uncomfortable as the holes where they did the procedure still have not healed.

Dental Stuff

Several days and nights of ice packs, pain relievers, an anti-inflammatory, and some penicillin. So far, the swelling on one side of her face has disappeared, but one side is still swollen and will eventually go away. She ended up picking off the scab that developed around her mouth..I gave her heck for that and told her that she might end up with a scar.. but she did not like it sitting on the edge of her mouth.

She got a little worried the other day when the swelling went right up to her eye. But thankfully, that has disappeared. She is still on a basic diet and is having difficulty chewing, so it is jello, soups, creamy mashed potatoes, juices, chocolate protein powder, acai juice blend,bananas, and peanut butter tossed into the blender and served as a drink. She is also wolfing down apple sauce and puddings.

The bruising from her face has disappeared, however, she is still concerned about the inside of her mouth which looks a little yellow. Oh, she is also eating her probiotics to prevent a yeast infection. However, she eats it reluctantly as she says she only likes it with granola. Duh, how are you going to chew it, if your mouth is hurting you too much.

Thankfully, I never had to go through the pain of having four wisdom teeth extracted at the same time. I had two teeth removed on the lower part of my jaw when I was young and this made space for the wisdom teeth on the bottom. In fact, I still have one of mine. My other wisdom teeth were removed when I had dental work done.

I imagine it will be at least another week until she is fully recovered. I wonder how long it will be until her stitches dissolve and she can get back to eating properly. I can just envision her wanting to chomp into some chicken nuggets.

Did you have your wisdom teeth taken out? And if so, did your face swell up very much?

One thought on “The Pain of Dental Surgery

  1. Tiffany

    Yes!! I had mine done in my early 20’s and it was horrible!! It hurt so bad!! They should have knocked me out bc I heard my teeth breaking as the they pulled them out. It’s so much better that she is having it done as young as she can! The older you are the worse it is!
    Make sure she follows the doctors orders so she doesn’t get dry rot. I’ve heard that it is SO painful!!

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