The Beginnings of a Creative Artist


Well, remember that post that I wrote some time ago about the healing powers of Penaten Cream and the creative musings of my child? If not, you can read the post here. I thought that I would elaborate a little more on her beginnings, the beginnings of her, and the beginnings of her creativity.

The Beginnings………………..

Baby Pic

As we all know each child is different, unique in their own way. Some may grow up to be great composers, mathematicians, doctors, artists, or even just regular joes. No matter what, they are all special. All three of my kids have their own uniqueness. My eldest was really meek and mild as an infant. Playful and intelligent. If you gave her something to keep her amused, she would sit in the one spot for hours. There was no need to be running after her telling her to leave things alone. So pretty with her olive skin and auburn hair that I, of course, let grow long. So long that when she was around four, her straight long hair was almost to her knees. I used to put it up in braids or ponytails all the time.

On the other hand, my second child was playful, intelligent, and really rambunctious. Quite different from the first. In fact, with the first one, there was no need for a harness at all. However, the second child might have been born with ants in the pants. He had to be harnessed into his carriage just so he would not scramble out of there. He was not mischievous, in the sense that he would get into everything. He was just very active. He played for hours with his favorite toys as an infant. But when he got the gumption to run through the house, he did. He went through two playpens in a short period of time, cause he was always jumping up and down in them. He was handsome with his fair pale skin and white/blonde hair, that was nothing but curls. I, too, let his hair grow almost to his shoulders. It was a mass of blonde curls.

Well, the third child was also quite unique. She was as fair skinned as her brother and had the same mass of blonde curls. She was always on the run…literally. She was very quiet, to a point. I mean, she did not talk to people she was not familiar with. She and I would watch movies for hours and she loved to walk. I mean, quite often we walked for hours. She was also cheerful and intelligent, but she always got into things. My inquisitive explorer…And if you read the adventure of the Penaten Cream you will know what I mean.

I could certainly fill this blog with some more tales, perhaps I will later…but lets get back to the post…

Taking her to junior school everyday was so much fun. She was a hands on kid, and still is to this very day. If you gave her something to construct she would fiddle with it for hours. She was happy go lucky kid who really loved to entertain and amuse people. We had a rabbit puppet which my daughter took to school on her arm one day. Now this rabbit looked so real, that everyone thought it was. Or when we bought those big red raspberry candies, my daughter would split them apart and stick them on her nose. We would walk to school that way, with not a care in the world as to what other people thought. Thinking back now, to primary school, she was a hands on person even then. I think that her creative talent started showing up in primary school.

I just thought that I would share a couple of her drawings with you all. These were done some time ago , and one of them is incomplete. I wonder if she will ever finish it. The thing that gets me is that she is so critical of her artwork…and thinks that she is not very good..

Do you think she is being to critical of her artwork?

14 thoughts on “The Beginnings of a Creative Artist

    1. admin Post author

      Thanks Cyndie. She is known as lady in orange or lady with her hair up 🙂 That was the name she was given.

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