Our Eco System is in Trouble!!


Scientists have been informing us of the changes in our atmosphere for many years. Of course, we are all aware of the climatic changes that have been happening all over the world due to greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gas is of course caused by various chemicals being released into the air. These greenhouse gases are by products of the industrial age, technology, and of course, transportation. These greenhouse gases are also known as fossil fuels in which we burn in order to provide heat and electricity to our homes and businesses. Fossil fuel is also used to power our vehicles. As a result, our eco system is in trouble!!


We all known that the Earth’s temperature is changing. We are now facing extreme temperatures, as well as major changes in the snow and rainfall patterns that is affecting us all. Recent studies of the Artic Circle have shown scientists just how much trouble our eco-system is facing. Last year there was a record loss of Artic Ice. This loss has evolved into many changes for the plant and animal life that call the Artic Circle their home.

The Artic Ice is at its lowest level in 33 years, from satellite observations. This level of depletion is affecting our northern eco-system dramatically. Ropy strands of Melosira that once grew in up to five metres in length have appeared to have snapped or fallen off. Some remains of broken Melosira have been found at lower levels. Melosira is not a food source for the Artic sea life, but is a form of algae in which the sea life use it as a shelter and breeding ground.

The warmer temperatures caused the ice to thin and more sunshine penetrated the ice. This caused the Melosira to shrink, wilt, and fall away. Various bacteria have exploded on the ocean floor, depleted the oxygen source in some areas. Brittle stars and sea cucumber are now more prominent. One must sit back and think about how this in turn will affect the fish and other sea creatures of the Artic Circle.

Will the trouble in our eco-system cause the Ringed Seal, Sea Lions, Harp Seal, Lemming, Artic Wolf, Artic Hare, the Peary Cariboo and the magnificent Polar Bear to become animals of the past?

I hope not!

Scientists believe that the Artic Ice will be gone by the year 2030.

What do you think can or should be done to prevent further changes in the Artic Ice?

Photo Credit: http://wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Arctic_Ice_2.JPG

2 thoughts on “Our Eco System is in Trouble!!

  1. sheila

    a big contributor to the greenhouse gasses are the farms. from all the research i have done surprisingly alot of gasses come from methane from farms but you dont hear about that in the media. everyone is concerned about fossil fuels contributing but methane from animal waste is the biggest contributor,even more than the fossil fuels.

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