Oh, Deary Me!


Oh, deary me, a Mom just rushed into the shop and I am seeing her go to the birthday section picking up candles and candies and baking supplies. I am sitting here, way up high on a shelf along with some others just like me. More people are rushing around always in a hurry. What is the rush, oh yeah, it is almost store closing time.

The woman has a basket full of goodies for a party and I hope she is going to head to the checkout. Oh, deary me, she is heading down this aisle. Oh, oh, she stopped right in front of me, and she has her eyes on the shelf I am sitting on..

I start to tremble as I see her arms start to slowly rise, I hope she picks the blue guy standing next to me. Suddenly, I feel the rush of blood to my head as her hands are on my torso. I am scooped off the shelf in a hurry and turned over for inspection. What is wrong with this woman, does she not think that I am well made. Well, maybe I should hope that she thinks that I do not look that good.

Oh my aching head, she just dumped me upside down into her basket and she is rushing to the checkout. Darn it, the cashier just swooped me over the scanner and suddenly I am dropped into a plastic bag. Bump, bump, bump, goes the car and I think to myself, she should really get her tires checked.

What is all that noise? Sounds like a bunch of screaming kids. Whoosh, the door of the car suddenly opens and I am whisked into the house and there is a bunch of kids gathered there with their parents.

Oh, deary me! Looks like it is a birthday party. I suddenly am taken out of the bag and hung up to dry, literally. As the afternoon wears on, I am getting a splitting headache from all those screaming hooligans. I watch the woman cut the cake and serve it to everyone. The party is almost over. Thank goodness.

As the parents and children start to get ready to leave, the woman says, “Oh, deary me, I almost forgot!”. “Don’t leave just yet, there is one more thing we have to do.” I cringe in fear as I feel my toes start to tingle.

The lady leaves the room and comes back in with a broomstick. She gets the children to form a line and then ties a red bandana over one of the children’s eyes. Turn, turn, turn. She turns the child around three times and then hands them the broomstick.

Whomp, I feel the thud as the broomstick hits me in the stomach and knocks the wind out of me temporarily. Then another kid takes a turn. I almost cried from the pain as the broomstick hit my aching noggin. Oops, I just lost an ear.

When the third kid took a whack at me, I knew I was done for. Smash, my belly is wide open and I feel like I am cut in two. Wait, I am! I feel my front half hit the floor and as I look behind me, glassy eyed, I see the other half of my body hit the floor.

Wow, the rush of the kids scrambling for the goodies that were held in my belly. Bracelets, pop caps, toy airplanes, bean bags, balloons, squirt guns and candy. The kids are going wild and scrambling to get their hands on my treasures that I have held for so long.

They have managed to snap all the stuff off the floor and say good party as they head to the door.

I am suddenly scooped up and unceremoniously dumped into the waste bin.

As I am waiting to be taken out with tomorrow’s trash, I ponder about how many like me are still sitting high on that store shelf.

Well, at least I heard the kids laugh, sing, dance and play, until the party ended and I met my demise.

Such is a day in the life of a store bought pinata.

Have you ever bought a pinata for a birthday party or have been the one to break it wide open?

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