Natural Ways to Induce Labor


Natural Ways to Induce Labor

As you are nearing your due date, you may have many moments of anxiety. Will you be late? Will labor come at a time that is convenient? Will it be quick? If you are late, you may be wondering how you can help get labor started in a natural way to avoid medical intervention. Here are some tips to get labor going naturally if you are in the late boat. Keep in mind that most of these should only be tried under the care of a midwife or physician and should not be tried until you are actually past your due date.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor

Natural Ways to Induce Labor

Sexual Intercourse- It is scientifically proven that sperm contains hormones that soften the cervix and the mere “action” of sex can lead to water breaking and getting things to progress. Sex also can release natural hormones that may kick labor into gear.

Raspberry Leaf Tea- This one is up in the air as far as how much it helps and how much it doesn’t as it works differently in every pregnant woman, but drinking a very heavy brewed cup of this tea can start labor. Because it can start labor in some women, it is best to wait until you are at least past your due date to attempt this tip and do it under the care of a midwife or physician.

Massage- Both acupressure and massage can cause labor to start. To do acupressure, press on the soft flesh in between your thumb and pointer finger. For massage, gently massage the pelvis, sides, lower back and abdomen. Don’t press too hard on the stomach during this massage but rather massage with a light touch to get blood circulating.

Castor oil- This is an old time remedy for being late on delivery and while it can have mixed opinions on whether it is effective or not, you should know that not only can it cause labor, but it can cause a very bad case of diarrhea as well. If you are feeling adventurous, talk with your midwife about how much to take and be sure not to do this before you are overdue as well.

Get moving- It may seem like a joke, but dancing and exercise can cause labor to start. Just turn up some tunes and dance it out with yourself, your kids or your partner. If anything, it will put you in a great mood, right?

Nipple Stimulation- Rubbing the nipples signals to your body to create natural hormones that can start labor. If you want to do this one, you may need to do it for a while to see effects. To make this more comfortable, try doing this with a bit of massage oil.

Spicy foods- The jury is still out on if this works or not, but some women have luck with eating a lot of spicy foods to get labor started.  While it is still being studied to prove if it works or not, it can’t hurt to kick up the notch a bit on your food’s flavor dial. There are no side effects from doing this, other than some potential heartburn, of course.

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