More Changes to Google in the Future


Just wanting everyone to know that there will be some more changes on how people connect with friends, consumers, businesses and the general public, for that matter. This is in regards to bloggers, in particular, especially those who at one time used blogger and moved their blog out of blogger to a self-hosted server. Many bloggers do start out with blogger, but some choose to make the switch over to a WordPress-themed application because of the versatility that this application offers.


Well, it seems that Google has decided to take away some of its features from those who have made the transition to anywhere but blogger. Sometime in early 2012, I believe around March or May, Google in shutting down the GFC application to all users who are not still with the blogger platform.

Just what exactly does this mean to bloggers? Well, if you happen to be with blogger, nothing, things will go on as usual! Those bloggers that are on WordPress, will suddenly have no little Google Friend Connect button on their page, signifying the amount of friends/fans following their blog, along with their cute little pictures. If you are a blogger who is just writing for writing sake, then there is no problem. However, if you use Google Friend Connect, as many of us do, as a way to show others, that you do have an interesting and informative place where friends and business can connect and possibly learn new things, well, when the time rolls around… poof… it will be gone.

Many of us, myself included, use the Google Friend Connect or GFC as it is known, to show businesses, both large and small, that there is indeed, readers or traffic to the blog. Showing businesses, both large and small, that are in the private or corporate sector, that people are reading what you have to say, means that a business, large or small, might offer you up a product to review and also offer one up to one of your blog readers as a giveaway item.

We all love to try things before we buy them, and learning about new products through first hand experience. Businesses use bloggers, and bloggers use businesses, there is no doubt about that. Most businesses, not all, mind you, do not mind sending a blogger an item to review and offer an item for a giveaway, in exchange for the publicity their brand name and product receives. Utilizing the services offered by a review blogger is, of course, at a much lower cost, compared to the thousands of dollars taken out of their budget to spend on another ad campaign.

Another reason why GFC is important to some bloggers is that it allows us to show various advertisers that we will definitely be able help them in their ad campaign. How’s that? By showing them that we have traffic and people/comsumers that we can inform and perhaps turn them into customers of the said business’ product or service. Sometimes, this ad campaign might mean a product review and giveaway, and sometimes, it might be a monetary amount, and may I clearly state, that contrary to what some non-bloggers seem to think, if it is a monetary amount, it certainly will not make you rich, you might be able to buy yourself a couple of cups of coffee with it or maybe a nice lunch, if you should be so lucky.

Thanks kindly for taking the time to read this and hope that I have enlightened you just a little into the life of a product reviewer and blogger. 

23 thoughts on “More Changes to Google in the Future

  1. DaLynn McCoy

    Thanks for the info! I’m on blogger and had heard something was up with GFC, but didn’t realize that being on blogger meant it wouldn’t affect me. GREAT post, thank you so much!

  2. erica

    I have never used google friend connect. I don’t even know what it is. I guess that is a good thing since google is trying to slam people who want to do things for themselves. this is why it is important to build a newsletter following and not rely on one source for all your traffic


  3. Katt Lewis

    This reminds me of aol, after years of paying for it, after they were free, they started taking away things like our free website space. No more looking at profiles on aol, etc. I use google and gfc, we’ll see how they affect me in the future.

  4. Christie Robinson

    I don’t mind changes, as long as they’re not drastic & confuse how I use Google on a daily basis!
    I think we should have the elect to or not to go with the changes or keep our page/site the way it was built enter.

    It’s all good!!!!

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