Love Roasting with Oven Bags


Well, tonight’s dinner was saved thanks to having a package of medium oven bags on hand. Well, not really but they certainly helped to make it more appealing to the other members of the household. They did not like the look of a couple of pieces of fat that has solidified into a flat round circle about the size of a dime floating on the top of the juice from the roast I made yesterday.

Such fusspots I tell yah! They open the fridge and dinner is prepared via the convenience of the microwave. Well somethings are done in there for the convenience, for sure. Especially when everyone has their own schedule and priorities. With the other half doing an afternoon shift and sometimes even filling in on the overnight shift, the microwave sure does come in handy. Mind you, with school schedules, socializing, and gaming, die hard gamers here….that for the most part know that you are supposed to sleep at night and stay awake during the day.

Well back to the meal, I was told that the roast was going to make its way to the waste receptacle if it was not soon eaten..and so while other half was taking a nap for the overnight shift I quickly drained out the juice from the baking dish from the night before… And presto, tossed the untouched but cold roast into the bag, along with some baby carrots, some seasonings, a a handful of fresh cut potatoes. Added some oil and quickly tossed dinner, well oven bag dinner into the microwave…
Popped it in for about 25 minutes a dinner was done…and may I say not only does the oven bag help to keep your oven clean because there is no liquid or oil being spilled into the oven..

Well when other half got up…he came downstairs for something to eat before rushing out to pick up daugther from school and he looked for the baking dish…it has just come out of the microwave…oh..he says that looks so much better now….dumb arse you can tell he never cooked a meal a day in his life….not even knowing that the fat dimes can be skimmed off the top of the liquid or the dish reheated and the fat would liquify again…hahaha sitting here smirking to myself as I know they all enjoyed the roasted potatoes, mini carrots and beef roast that was made for dinner and he is on the night shift…..and I really should put on the tv in the bedroom cause the room is so silent without the sound of some very loud snoring that I have become accustomed to over the years. And that is the reason why I always sleep on my good ear to drown out the sound when he is here and I am ready to sleep….lol…he has also gotten some prompt kicks 🙂 when the need arises.

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