Just Bought Some New Hockey Equipment


When you least expect it, your young ones suddenly take on a growth spurt. I did not really notice that my son outgrew most of his hockey equipment from last year. Well, not really wanting to spend a lot of money by blind shopping, I started to look at the various flyers that come to my home. I was amazed at what I thought were sale prices. Not!

I decided to do some comparison shopping by searching online for the best possible price. I am so happy that I did as I was able to save a bundle on my shopping dollars! The money that I saved on one purchase, of course, went towards another piece of equipment for my son. I even managed to get some little stuff to stick under the tree for him.

I could not believe how happy he was when I was able to get just what he needed and without it costing me an arm and a leg. I got him some new shoulder pads as well as hockey pants, new skates and a brand new stick!

So glad that I decided to comparison shop before heading out to the local mall. I also managed to get a new helmet, and a pair of gloves for him, that I am going to stick under the tree, along with a new hockey jersey. I am so glad that I got one of the gifts for under the tree out of the way. Now just to figure out what to get the rest of the family!

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