January Mystery Giveaway Celebration-Zim’s USA Naturally Based Products


January Mystery Giveaway Celebration-Zim’s USA Naturally Based Products-It’s cold here in Georgia and with the cold brings aches and pains. You already know all about my back injuries but what you don’t know is that my sister, who recently transferred from her college to TX to a great college here in GA, suffers with arthritis in her knee. I received quite a nice selection of Zim’s products at the same time she was showing me her knee. I looked at her, she looked at me, and we decided right then and there that she would use some of the products. So there you have it, two willing participants of these organic all natural Zim’s USA Naturally Based Products.

Zim's USA Naturally Based Products

Here is what I received;
1. Zim’s HEAT (maximum strength)
2. Zim’s Max-Freeze roll on
3. Zim’s Max-Freeze gel formula
4. Zim’s Crack Cream liquid
5. Zim’s Crack Cream cream

I have tried to get a better photo of Cheryl’s knee to show you just how swollen it is but I don’t have a macro lens so you will just have to trust me when I say that she is as skinny as I am and her knee is
S W O L L E N AND P A I N F U L. She is suppose to apply heat to her knee 20 minutes before any activities but she left that off to try the Max HEAT by itself. Her take on the roll on…

Zim's USA Naturally Based Products

Zim's USA Naturally Based Products

She claims that the scent, which is a little powerful to smell directly from the bottle, subsided as soon as she put it on. She did not smell it afterwards as a lingering scent. She also said that the heat from the product is just the right amount, it did NOT get too hot like she feared it would.

My take on the Zim’s HEAT. Less than 30 minutes after my sis used this roll on, she had everything pulled out of my kitchen cupboards and was arranging and organizing them. O K A Y? The ONLY time she is ever still is when her knee puts her in the bed. I’d have to give this product a 5/5 rating based on the fact that she went from lounging in her jammies (which is unheard of for her) to becoming the active individual that she is.

I don’t like heat on my back where my injuries are unless it is a heating pad. I prefer cold products versus the heat, and gel versus the roll on, therefore, I tried the Zim’s Max-Freeze gel formula. All I really need to say about that is I’m sitting here posting product reviews which is something I haven’t been able to do in over a week since the cold front settled in here in GA. This is my 3rd one today. I’ve been posting pre set up giveaways to fill in the blanks instead. Do I really need to say more? 🙂
5/5 way to go Zim’s.

Now, I’d like to focus a little bit on the Crack Cream. It’s an herbal formula that softens and moisturizes dry, cracked skin. It is what it says it is, a crack cream. Cracks from the elements can be painful especially on my hands. I have been applying this to my feet as well, concentrating on the heel areas that seem to crack the worse if I don’t pay extra attention to the area. My sister has been applying it on her elbows and knees. We both give this cream a big thumbs up. We haven’t either one tried the spray but the cream is definitely doing the trick on our dry cracked skin. The smell of this is pleasant and not overwhelming. Cheryl doesn’t have a preference either way but I love scented products as a preference. The aloe is sooooooooo soothing and it’s nice and thick without being oily.

Zim's USA Naturally Based Products

Be sure to check out these and all of the other natural based products at zimsusa.com. Zim’s USA Naturally Based Products is sponsoring a mystery giveaway for one of you. This giveaway will last 48 hours only. After you enter if, please be sure to claim your bonus entries for the Ultimate Family Mystery Giveaway which will end on or around February 1. For every giveaway you enter leading up to that, you will be able to claim entries in it. The link is in the rafflecopter form. You must live in the US and be 18+ to participate in this giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terri’s Little Haven received the above mentioned products for free to help facilitate her review. Zim’s USA Naturally Based Products sponsoring a giveaway for one of my readers and will be responsible for shipment of prize. This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook.

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