How to Find Your Passion


Finding your passion. Now that can be overwhelming, frustrating, and just plain depressing. It can also be exciting, fun, and even mind boggling.

Finding your passion

Here are some tips that will help you to find your passion!

Examine the Past and Present

What did you want to be when you grew up? What do you love to do? Can any of your current skills translate into another part of your life? Start making a list.

 Start a Creativity Board

Begin posting anything that is connected to your likes and loves. You will start to see a pattern emerge. Keep it where you see it every day and keep it updated.

How Did Others Do It?

 Read and study about others who are in the field you want. How did they start out, what are they doing to succeed? Is this attainable?

 Need a Business Plan?

 Start doing what you love. You do not need a business plan right now. You can test your area and see if others are interested in what you are doing. Get feedback and suggestions, which will help build your business plan.


 You do not have to think about working your dream all the time. Keep a notebook handy and make notes of any idea that comes along. Take breaks from your regular day – go to a museum, a new restaurant, take a walk and you will be amazed at the ideas that will come forward.

Keep Moving Forward

 Did you find a passion, and it is not the right one? Start over and find a new one. You may have more than one passion over your lifetime. Found a passion, but it is not successful? Keep trying, and try again, until you have found success. It will not come easy, but giving up is a sure way to fail. If you keep trying, keeping your mind open to all of life’s possibilities, you will get there.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you fulfill your dream?


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