Have You Jumped Into Something Lately?


The topic came up about something that you recently jumped into. And to be perfectly honest, it has been a long time since I jumped into anything other than the car. I remember when I was little, I eagerly jumped into the mud puddles, the lake, river, or a blown up tire tube. And I remember gunnel jumping or bouncing, I think that is what is was called, on the rim of the canoe as it was afloat on the lake up north.

That was an adventure in itself, a month at camp, in which I spent 2 weeks out in the wilderness. Campfires and cookouts, and portaging over the vast, empty, barren land. And I remember getting my foot cut on the rocks in my travels, and then not knowing later why everyone started screaming as I was looking at what I thought were pretty snails stuck on my foot. It was my first encounter with leeches!

Or how we had to wrap our long hair in towels as we paddled the lake at night. You see, the bats swarmed at nighttime catching the fireflies and other flying creatures that were too silly to land somewhere safely and out of sight. The bats actually swooped down and latched onto the heads of the people who did not have their hair wrapped up.

There were about 14 of us, and two camp counselors. Over land, river, lake and stream did we travel. Oh, I cannot forget the rapids. They were an adventure to say in the least. I was one of the lucky ones as the canoe I was in managed to get stuck on a sand barge of sorts as two of the canoes ended up going over the waterfalls that lie ahead.

Luckily for the ones that went over the waterfalls, there were no drownings or broken bones. Just wounded pride, along with lots of bumps and bruises.

I remember hiking up a tall, mountainous place that stood in the middle of the lake, in the middle of nowhere and carving my initials in a very tall pine tree. I wonder if that tree is still standing and how many other initials have made that tree their home.

I still fondly recall the camp songs that were sung around the campfire at night as we snacked on roasted hot dogs and burnt marshmallows. These same songs stayed with me through the years and in turn, I taught them to my children.

As we crawled into our tents and snuggled into our sleeping bags, I remember the howl of the wolves and coyotes. Such majestic creatures they are!

The adventures of camp were shared with amongst ourselves and our parents and it was an adventure that I will never forget. These adventures were talked amongst us for many years. Of course, none of us stay in touch anymore, the chain that bound us together so long ago has long come undone.

Thanks for the memories, Julian and Janice, you were great camp counselors. Fond memories of a time long ago, in a strange and distant land.

Well, off to la-la-land and hope I can jump back through the years in my sleep and envision those wonderful two weeks, canoeing and portaging in the vast wilderness.

8 thoughts on “Have You Jumped Into Something Lately?

  1. Natalie Z

    I feel the same way sometimes. We just can’t so busy that we forget to really challenge ourselves. However, it’s never too late to surprise ourselves!

  2. Maggie C

    I am SO not out-doorsy. I admire anybody that can undertake stuff like this. Sounds like you have some great memories from that time.

  3. Amanda

    Love the memories. This summer we are going hikinh in Colorado. I am sure it will leave me and the family with life long memories such as these.

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