Green Christmas Gift Guide Blog Hop Giveaway Announced!


Well, the giveaway winners have been chosen by Rafflecopter in the GCGGGH and out of 1588 entries, it was lucky entry 775 and 298! Congrats to both winners. I would also like the thank the wonderful hosts of this event, it has been a blast! So without further ado, thanks to Home Grown Families and Just My Everyday Life for the many people hours that they put into setting up, promoting, hosting, and offering support whenever they were online to all of us bloggers that took part in this event. It was my first blog hop and I met some really nice bloggers… Can’t wait til they host another one…How bout next week ladies? JJ.

And, of course, thank you to all my sponsors in this event. You all stepped forward with your amazing products and I do hope that you have gained some new followers and potential customers for your businesses. I could not have done it without you all.

And remember…. I am always up for a review and giveaway, just give me a shout on my fan page or post a comment here! THANKS SO MUCH and CONGRATS AGAIN TO THE WINNERS!

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