Forgive Mom and Dad Day


Forgive Mom and Dad Day

March 18th is Forgive Mom and Dad Day. Let’s face it, no one is perfect. Parents do make mistakes. Parenting is not easy. Although many people can give advice and tips, some of the things you learn through experience. It is challenging and rewarding at the same time.

Forgive Mom and Dad Day

As a parent, I am sure that my kids and I do not always see eye to eye. It is what makes us individuals. Each one of us are entitled to our opinions and express them freely. We as parents work with what knowledge we have and the resources that we have while raising our kids. I am sure that behind closed doors my parents probably spoke with each other about something that I did that they did not like. They did not vocalize it though and they always had my best interest at heart.

Life at times can be difficult, some parents ride it out, others choose to leave. It is never too late to mend fences. Give your parents a call on forgive Mom and Dad day, before it is too late.

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