Discover 4 Myths About Teenagers


Discover 4 Myths about Teenagers

Discover 4 Myths about Teenagers

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Ah the lovely teenage years, your wonderful child has risen above the toddler and pre-teen years into full blown adolescence. Suddenly you find out that you are not so sure what to believe when it comes to the advice you find online about parenting teenagers. Today, we will uncover 4 myths about teenagers that could be clouding your parental judgment.

Myth # 1 – Peaceful Relationships Are Good

False. While it may seem like your world spins around much smoother when you keep the peace with your teenager, this isn’t actually a good thing. Teenagers need boundaries and limits set forth or else they truly will think they rule the world. You must grow some thick skin and realize the things aren’t always going to be peaceful if you are parenting your teenager instead of being non-confrontational as a means to avoid realities of parenthood.

Myth # 2 – You Can’t Be Your Teens Friend

False. Now before you get all up in arms with me about this, reality is that you actually can (and should) be both the parent and the friend to your teenager. Being a friend in the parental role simply means that you talk to your teenager in a way that you would an adult. You can be a firm parent without being aggressive, just the same as you can be the forgiving friend without being a pushover parent. This balance of parent and friend helps teach your teenager how to be a well-rounded adult.

Myth # 3 – You Must See Eye-to-Eye with Your Teen

False. Your teenager is getting older, they are on their way to adulthood and with this arrives their own sense of self-worth. Their own opinions that may not be aligned eye-to-eye with your own. This is perfectly okay.  What you need to do as a means to resolve conflict with your teenager is to learn to agree to disagree, while remaining the parent in charge. Allow your teen to have their own opinions, but be firm in sticking to your rules regardless of the opinions involved.

Myth # 4 – You Can’t Share Too Much With Your Teen

False. You are your teenager’s first and main role-model, whether they admit it or not during this trying age, they look up to you for guidance and examples. Do be honest with your teen and share age appropriate examples that have happened in your life. Doing this will subtly teach them how to handle similar situations. It is a good thing to share personal experiences and stories with your teenager because it keeps you in the lead with being their main role model.

There are many myths about teenagers circling the Internet as well as between parents, but the key is to remember that this is your child and only you can determine how best to raise them. After reading these myths and thinking a bit deeper about parenting teenagers, we hope that you will start to form a fantastic bond with your teen by maintaining your parental role along with encouraging them to have their own opinions about situations that may arise in their life.

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