Brain Freeze – We All Have It Sometime!


We all have brain freeze sometime and I am not talking about the brain freeze we feel when we bite into an ice cream and the pain rushes to our head…but a real brain freeze when you just can’t think of something to write.

This, of course, can happen when we are needing to write a thesis or white paper, writing answers to an essay and yes, even bloggers get brain freeze sometimes!

If you happen to blog, then I am sure you have had instances when this has happened. Just in case this should happen to you there is no need to get your knickers in a knot, cause the world wide web is an invaluable source of ideas..

If this resembles an image of how you usually are;

Mad Writer at the Computer

There really is no reason to brainstorm over ideas as a simple visit to the latest headlines in the news can bring about a flurry of ideas. That is, of course, depending on what topics your blog focuses on.

For those of you who are niche specific, sometimes thinking about something fresh to write is just a tad harder. That is, unless something new has just surfaced onto the market in your particular niche.

Here are some places you can find ideas to write about and some topics as well

1. Newspapers- Read the news and write a post about a subject, include your own intake, thus personalizing it.
2. Wikipedia- Pick a person, place or thing and research it. Gather some ideas and then write your intake on it.
3. Google- Google the top stories around the world and pick an piece and write about it.
4. Other Blogs- Check out some of the posts of your favorite bloggers. This could be a wealth of ideas for you.
5. Writing Prompts- Several sites have writing prompts that will generate ideas for you.
6. Recipes- Share family favorites as there might be something that you make that interests your readers.
7. Family- Share family photos, adventures, etc with others to perk interest in what you are writing about.
8. Pets/Animals- Share funny, happy, or sad pet stories. Health issues of pets and remedies really do help others.
9. Vacations/Travel- Share where you have been, your thoughts and feelings or where you would like to travel to.
10. School/Education – Thoughts and ideas about the current education system, what works, what doesn’t.
11. Hobbies/Crafts – Share ideas on favorite crafts with explanations on how someone can make their own.
12. Memories – Share your past memories and reflections with others.
13. Magazines – Read through the articles to get inspiration or perhaps even look at the current ads and write about it.
14. Art – Post pieces of art that you like and your reflection of it.
15. Decorating- Share decorated tips with others.
16.. Work- Share something about your current job or a dream job that you wish you had.
17. Old material- go back over your most viewed post and write a new post that relates to it. Link to it in your post.

Although this blog post is not guaranteed to remove the brain freeze that you might be experiencing, I do hope that it helps to ease the writer’s block that you may be having. If this fails, sometimes walking away for a couple of hours and then getting back to it might help.
And don’t forget to share your posts across any social networks in which you are a member. Somewhere out there in the internet, someone is interested in just what you have to say.

This is how your computer feels at the end of the day!

Computer at the end of the day

Like you, it needs a rest as well!

20 thoughts on “Brain Freeze – We All Have It Sometime!

  1. Alaina Bullock

    This is so me!! Thanks for the suggestions! I have been wanting to expand my blog to other topics as well, and this has given me some ideas! Thank you!

  2. Shannon

    Funny how that happens. Sometimes the ideas are just floating around in there and seem to have no end. Then the block. Nothing. Will bookmark your post for those days. Thanks!

  3. Kathryn C.

    This happens all too frequent with me. I find it hard to come up with ideas to write about. Thanks for posting the information!

  4. Allyson Bossie

    Thanks for the great ideas of how to get past brain freeze. I believe Pinterest is the best help. It seems once my creative juices are flowing in one way, it opens up all the way!

  5. Beth Hargett

    Great ideas and some I had never thought of to break the writer’s block or blogging block! Thanks so much for ‘stirring’ my brain and posting this! 🙂

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