Bird Day


Bird Day

Bird Day is Jan 5th. Scientists like to keep an eye on their population, their habitat, disease, and other things relating to these creatures. Many species follow a migratory pattern each year. By studying both rare and common birds, scientists can get an inkling of our ecological system and the health of our planet.

bird day

By studying and understanding the life cycle of birds of the world today, measures can be taken to save them from distinction. This day  is commemorated by bringing into the limelight the importance of these creatures in our ecological system. The welfare of birds from around the world is in jeopardy by illegal trade and also from being in captivity.

Think about encouraging them into your backyard by making some homemade bird feeders and filling them with food for them to eat. You could also donate funds to a sanctuary in your state or even a worldwide organization. Grab a pair of binoculars and discover what species live outside your doorstep.


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