Answer Your Cats Questions Day


Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is Jan 22nd. Do you have a cat as a pet? If you do you know that they often have a lot of questions. No words need to be said as you can tell when they are questioning you about something!
Answer Your Cat's Questions

My kitty often gives that inquisitive look when she hears something that none of us see. Perhaps it is the sound coming from the rafters during the winter or even one of our other pets eating quietly.

She often gives a questionable look when she awakes from her slumber in her cat bed. The look is totally “Why did you wake me up” sort of look. Another is a when are you going to bed sort of look.

She is quite comical and at almost 10 years old she is as playful as she was when she was a kitten. We all know not to leave any sort of netting around and have to put the bag of onions up out of her reach as she has a thing for netting. If left within her reach she will chew into them. Netted ribbon is another thing she likes to nibble on.

Right now, she is sitting up in the hallway, grooming herself beside the warmth of the floor grate. I know that if anyone passes to go into the kitchen she is going to toss them a look that says “When are you going to refill my food bowl”

No words have to be spoken. Kitties do not need words to convey their messages. Body language, sounds and looks tell us what they want or are thinking about. I answered one of her questions as I refilled one of her food bowls with wet food.

What questions will your cat have for you on Answer Your Cats Questions Day? And will you be ready to answer them?


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