A Day Without Shoes Day


A Day Without Shoes

May 21st is a day without shoes day.  It was created by a shoe company named Tom Shoes which reminds people that have basic necessities or more, that not all people are as fortunate. They want people to be aware of the many problems that doing everyday things without owning a pair of shoes can face.

A Day without Shoes

The owner of the shoe company, Blake Mycoskie, was on a trip to Central America when he noticed that many of the children in this third world country did not own one pair of shoes and often ran in the streets barefoot. Can you imagine how often they tread on glass and ended up getting cuts that became infected?

Another thing to think about is that many of these children could not attend school because of the lack of owning a pair of shoes. Tom Shoes wants people in developed countries to spend today doing things that they would normally do without wearing any shoes to experience first hand the difficulties that these children face each day of their lives.

Tom Shoes has taken the initiative in trying to end this dilemma, each time someone purchases a pair of shoes from Tom Shoes, they will donate one pair of shoes to a needy child so they can attend school. They also want to remind people to donate ones that they no longer want or need to their local goodwill stores to help those who are less fortunate to be able to purchase a pair that are still in good condition and cost much less than the normal retail price.

Do a good deed for impoverished children and perhaps buy a pair of shoes from Tom Shoes!

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