25 Scottish Words and Phrases


25 Scottish Words and Phrases

In Scotland, doing a skit in front of Edinburgh Castle. Which you might see on a holiday in Scotland. It may help you to learn some, if not all of these 25 Scottish phrases and words.

25 Scottish Words and Phrases-Street performer as Charlie Chaplin in front of Edinburgh Castle


It can be somewhat difficult understanding the Scottish brogue until the ear becomes accustomed to it. The Glasgow accent in particular is as thick as day-old porridge. Beyond that though, there are the quirks, turns of phrase and idioms to decipher. Here is a guide to 25 Scottish words and phrases to aid one upon arrival in the Highlands.  

25 Scottish Words and Phrases You Should Know Before Traveling to Scotland

   1)     Well chuffed – Pleased and or flattered. Use as in, ‘Got a lovely birthday present. I’m well chuffed’.

  2)     Bampot – An idiot. ‘My brother was such a complete bampot last night.  

   3)     Bevvy – A beverage. ‘Go easy on the bevvys or you’ll be a complete bampot.’  

   4)     Coupon – Face. ‘You see that silly grin on that bampot’s coupon?’  

   5)     Lugs – Ears. Heard as in, ‘I’ll gie ye a skelpit lug!’ That in turn means, ‘I’ll give you a slap on your ear.’    

   6)    Ah dinnae ken – I don’t know. ‘Aye, I’ve heard of that hotel, but ah dinnae ken where it is.’  

   7)     Breeks – Trousers. (Note: Pants are underwear.

   8)     Goonie – A nightgown.  

   9)      Keek – A look, a peek. ‘Take a keek out the window and see if it’s raining or not.’

 10)      Manky – Dirty or filthy. ‘Get yer boots off! They’re all manky like.’  

 11)      Bubbly Jock – A turkey. ‘We’ll be having bubbly jock for Christmas this year.’      

 12)      Mukker – Friend. ‘That lad over there with the big lugs is me best mukker.’  

13)       A’m tint – Means, ‘I’m lost.’  

14)       Bide  – Live ‘Where in America do ye bide?’  

15)       Welly – A boot, or to kick. ‘Put some welly to it!’  

16)        Blootered – Drunk  

17)        Aye, right – I don’t believe you, I am sceptical

 18)        Hogmanay  – New Year’s. ‘Happy Hogmanay to ye!’ 

19)         Screive – To write. ‘Can ye screive the address for me?’  

20)         Ta – Thank you.

 21)        The streen – Yesterday. ‘I was right blootered the streen.’  

22)         Hours – How time is described. 10 o’clock for instance is ‘Ten hours.’  

23)         Lavvy – The toilet. ‘Where’s your lavvy situated?’  

24)         Happy fit – A phrase used to wish newlyweds well.

 25)        Ceilidh  – (prounounced Kay-lee) A dancing party.  

These 25 Scottish words and phrases are words that are commonly used in Scotland. If you plan on heading over there for a vacation it is better that you learn them beforehand

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